

Glad you decided to drop by my blog. I enjoy story telling and making up stories. Therefore, I decided to start this blog to share some of my stories with anyone who may be interested. If you enjoy what you read here, please tell others about it. I promise to never post a story here which you would be ashamed to read to your children (or be ashamed if someone caught you reading it).


C. Bowman

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wesley Woodland Walk

(This article has been published on also.) 

On St. Simon’s Island along the Georgia coast is a special place for those who Are members of the Methodist church. It is also a special place for folks who like to study U. S. history and Georgia history. The place is a special woodland walk and the garden associated with it called the Wesley Woodland Walk. This special place was dedicated in 1988 to honor Charles and John Wesley.

It includes an eighteen foot tall Celtic cross (pictured above) standing in the garden with a walkway circling it. The cross weighs fifteen tons. Most of the flowers and plants within the area are native to the area.  The walk is only about 10 minutes long so it can easily be traversed by most anyone. The area has several squirrels and birds to be observed in it.

The Rev. John Wesley was appointed a Church of England missionary to the colony of Georgia and served from 1736-37. He then returned to England and went on to become famous as the founder of Methodism.  His brother Charles is acclaimed as one of the greatest hymn writers of all time.

The Walk is located across the road from Christ Church there on the island. 
(Not: All the pictures here and associated with other articles on this blog are mine. Please don't steal them.)