

Glad you decided to drop by my blog. I enjoy story telling and making up stories. Therefore, I decided to start this blog to share some of my stories with anyone who may be interested. If you enjoy what you read here, please tell others about it. I promise to never post a story here which you would be ashamed to read to your children (or be ashamed if someone caught you reading it).


C. Bowman

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The SS Waycross Victory (840)

(Reading level: grade 3.1)

A massive effort, world at war,

Nations fought to save,

The conquered  peoples,

Of Hitler’s hate.

Ships were needed,

To carry the brave,

To haul supplies,

To liberate.

Many were built ,

Of simple design,

Lightly armed,

They carried hope.

One among them,

Late to the fray,

Brave SS Waycross,

Plied her way.

Peace restored,

Ships were stored,

But not this one,

This solid work.

She toiled long,

Crossing many seas,

Using many names,

She proved her worth.

Until finally age,

Caught up with her,

And one last voyage,

 She did make.

To a distant shore,

In Pakistan,

Where she gave her all,

One last time.

Clint Bowman

April 2015

(Author’s note: The SS Waycross Victory 840 was launched in July, 1945, She met her end at a scrap yard on the coast of Pakistan in 1975 at a place called Gadani Beach. Prior to that end, she sailed the world’s seas hauling various types of cargo after being sold in 1946 by the US government. )