

Glad you decided to drop by my blog. I enjoy story telling and making up stories. Therefore, I decided to start this blog to share some of my stories with anyone who may be interested. If you enjoy what you read here, please tell others about it. I promise to never post a story here which you would be ashamed to read to your children (or be ashamed if someone caught you reading it).


C. Bowman

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sahara Raid

(I lived in northern Nigeria for 14 years. I often saw Tuareg men who traveled down from Niger to work as night watchmen. They were highly sought after for that position, due to their reputation as warriors.)


Blinding bright heat on a desert sand,

Blue and black figures flowing cross,

Galloping camels bringing men,

Another caravan suffers loss.


With weapons waving mid shrill cries,

Flowing robed warriors dance with glee.

As the sun in western sky now falls,

Spoils in hand cross the dunes they flee.


Clint Bowman

9Dec. 1995